Myanmar Kyat(MMK) To Russian Rouble(RUB)
This is the page of Myanmar Kyat (MMK) to Russian Rouble (RUB) conversion, below you can find the latest exchange rate between them and is updated every 1 minutes. It shows the exchange rate of the two currencies conversion. It also shows the history chart of this currency pairs, by choosing the time period you can get more detailed information. Would you like to invert the currencies pairs? Please visit Russian Rouble(RUB) To Myanmar Kyat(MMK).
1000 MMK
30.32717 RUB
1000 Russian Rouble To Myanmar Kyat
Exchange Rates Updated: Jan 31,2025 04:44 UTC
Full history please visit MMK/RUB History
Convert Myanmar Kyat(MMK) To Russian Rouble(RUB)
1 MMK = | 0.03033 RUB | 32.97373 MMK = | 1 RUB |
2 MMK = | 0.06065 RUB | 65.94747 MMK = | 2 RUB |
5 MMK = | 0.15164 RUB | 164.86867 MMK = | 5 RUB |
10 MMK = | 0.30327 RUB | 329.73735 MMK = | 10 RUB |
15 MMK = | 0.45491 RUB | 494.60602 MMK = | 15 RUB |
20 MMK = | 0.60654 RUB | 659.4747 MMK = | 20 RUB |
25 MMK = | 0.75818 RUB | 824.34337 MMK = | 25 RUB |
50 MMK = | 1.51636 RUB | 1648.68674 MMK = | 50 RUB |
Myanmar Kyat(MMK) To Russian Rouble(RUB) History Graph
History Exchange Rate
Date | Myanmar Kyat | Russian Rouble |
Thursday 30/01/2025 | 1000 MMK = | 30.32921 RUB |
Wednesday 29/01/2025 | 1000 MMK = | 30.55749 RUB |
Tuesday 28/01/2025 | 1000 MMK = | 30.17263 RUB |
Monday 27/01/2025 | 1000 MMK = | 29.98134 RUB |
Sunday 26/01/2025 | 1000 MMK = | 30.21945 RUB |
Saturday 25/01/2025 | 1000 MMK = | 30.08389 RUB |
Friday 24/01/2025 | 1000 MMK = | 30.08389 RUB |
Thursday 23/01/2025 | 1000 MMK = | 30.74962 RUB |
Wednesday 22/01/2025 | 1000 MMK = | 30.55692 RUB |
Tuesday 21/01/2025 | 1000 MMK = | 30.63563 RUB |
Full history please visit MMK/RUB Exchange Rates History
Convert 1000 Myanmar Kyat(MMK) to other currencies
Popular Myanmar Kyat(MMK) Pairing
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